Wednesday, 19 November 2014

7 tips to avoid back ache at work

  1.  Use an office chair with a back rest. Unsupported chairs cause the spinal chord strain, and must be avoided.
  2. Take breaks at work. Avoid sitting for long hours in one place. Break the monotony, stand up and walk around. This also provides mental breaks.
  3. A lot of stress at the office can cause back aches pain, and lead to other health issues. This can be avoided by keeping the area where one works organized.
  4. Practice shoulder exercises at intervals when sitting for long periods of time. This will help relax the shoulder, neck and spine muscles.
  5. Drink lots of water throughout the day. This will prevent dehydration, unnecessary migraines and; stress at work which could eventually lead to slouching.(back aches)
  6. Bring along snacks (dried fruits, etc) to work, and eat these at intervals. This will prevent hunger pangs at office, and also any unnecessary feelings of dizziness or stress- a potential factor towards crouching forward, having a bad posture which eventually leads to back pains.
  7. Be vigilant about your present posture. From time to time check your posture. If it’s not straight; push your back; behind at 90 degrees and make it an important aspect of work to sit with the back in an erect position.

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